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  • Company

    • Euro&Promos

      Professionals of the invisible2.1MB

    • Euro&Promos Group

      Company Profile0.7MB

    • Integrated policy text - Euro&Promos

      Quality, Environment, Security, Privacy, Social Responsibility2.2MB

    • Policy for the prevention of corruption

      UNI-EN-ISO 370014.4MB

    • Environmental Statement

      Regulation (EC) No. 1221/2009 and Regulation (EU) No. 1505/2017.3.7MB

    • Integrated model - general part

      Integrated Model 2311.1MB

    • Code of Ethics

      Annex 4 MOGC 2310.9MB

    • Whistleblowing Policy

      Form for reporting offences and irregularities0.7MB

    • Worker and stakeholder reporting form

      To report situations that conflict with our principles of social responsibility, if you work with us or for us, you can fill out and send this form, even anonymously, to: Euro&Promos - Via Antonio Zanussi, 11/13 - 33100 Udine or email to etica@europromos.it0.1MB

    • Sustainability report 2022 - Euro&Promos FM S.p.A.

      Visible Sustainability - Reporting on our sustainable approach and the company's non-financial impact on all its stakeholders. 35MB

    • Sustainability report 2021 - Euro&Promos FM S.p.A.

      Visible Sustainability - We tell how Euro&Promos directs its choices for economic, social and environmental sustainability.20MB

  • Facility Management Services

    • Cleaning

      Cleaning for us is synonymous with responsiveness to everyday needs and emergencies, with the guarantee of uncompromising quality.0.3MB

    • Disinfection & Sanitisation

      The pandemic emergency (specifically the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus) further highlighted the importance of the hygienic-sanitary approach as the main tool for fighting bacteria and viruses.0.6MB

    • Health Cleaning

      We study methods and procedures of intervention with a low environmental impact to offer customers economy and ecology on the same level of quality.0.2MB

    • Logistics

      The advantages for the customer are many in terms of organization, reduction of distribution times and control of management costs.0.2MB

    • Maintenance

      Aware of the responsibility to operate indirectly on the production process, we operate with care in order to maintain the efficiency of the machinery and systems to guarantee the continuity of operation.1.3MB

    • Culture, Educational and Office Management

      Know, organize, manage, interact and finally know how to relate with the public. In two words: information and relationship0.5MB

    • Heath Care

      Residential Structures and Home Assistance. All the activities and services proposed and planned are built on the basis of a preventive analysis of the individual needs of the recipients, on their environment of origin and on their personal experiences.0.2MB

    • Environment

      The management of ecological services and environmental maintenance is carried out through various specific activities aimed at urban hygiene, disinfestation and rodent control.0.2MB

    • Laundry

      The state-of-the-art equipment, exclusively supplied to the group's laundry facilities, allows the management of large volumes with guaranteed quality.0.2MB
