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Home - Press - News en - The fucsia gowns in the hospital: “so we cheer the hospitalized children”

The fucsia gowns in the hospital: “so we cheer the hospitalized children”

Euro & Promos finances an innovative health project: not only care, but also color and aesthetics to make the sick feel better.

CEO Alberto Tavano Colussi: “It has been shown that colored uniforms can have a significant influence in promoting a relaxing atmosphere”


Fucsia uniforms for the pediatric nurses of the San Vito al Tagliamento hospital. This is one of the measures adopted this year to improve the recovery of small patients, thanks to the contribution of Euro & Promos. The reason? The fuchsia color helps to trigger positive emotions, in a hospital environment it is a cultural revolution that tends to help the little ones.

In the life of a child, in fact, hospitalization is a very delicate, potentially traumatic event. The experience of illness, of physical and psychological pain, the passage from a family environment to the potentially threatening and unusual one of ward life, make hospitalization a potentially stressful event. The very family of the hospitalized child lives in a state of anxiety, uncertainty and fear.

For many years, since 2009 to be precise, in the pediatrics of the San Vito al Tagliamento hospital, we have tried to make the environment more welcoming, carefree, creative and child-friendly, in order to help the little patient and his family to spend time in the hospital with less anxiety and worry. The beautiful paintings on the walls (works by the artist Caterina Santambrogio), the colored sheets, the “home” furnishings and, finally, the colored uniforms represent an initiative that goes in this direction.

Precisely for this reason, during the Christmas holidays, ten fucsia-colored will be donated by Euro & Promos Facility Management, which will also support the renewal of two colored changing tables for the neonatology rooms and, through a donation to the Cuore di Maglia Association, the purchase of merino wool used by the volunteers for the creation of colorful covers and caps for infants admitted to paediatrics.

“As the colors of the rooms and the designs on the walls allow you to dream and imagine a different reality from the one that at the time of admission may appear alarming, the fuchsia gowns are part of a project that concerns not a simple department, but a place for health care inserted in a specially colored context ”, declares the CEO Alberto Tavano Colussi. “The care and attention to the little ones and their families, in addition to the passion for their job that guide the operators every day are commendable! We could not but support this initiative which, moreover, is closely linked to the organizational well-being of a work environment, as well as all the facility services we carry out throughout Italy ”.

“Taking care of the aesthetics is to be considered an integral part of the treatments, because the beautiful and comfortable is therapeutic” explains the Primary Dr. Franco Colonna. “It is shown that even colored uniforms can have a significant influence in favoring a relaxing atmosphere, which is the basis of nursing centered on children and families. “Of course, all this would not be sufficient, if there were not the team of nurses, led by the nursing coordinator Elisabetta Santin, who, with so much passion and professionalism every day take care of the activity and the environment itself, as if it were their home Concludes the Primary.