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Home - Press - News en - 30 million ready for investment. Euro&Promos flies to 125 million.

30 million ready for investment. Euro&Promos flies to 125 million.


Euro&Promos FM Spa, Italy’s leading company in the facility management sector, has achieved record numbers in 2021.

The company, headquartered in Udine, with offices in Rome, Milan and Turin and construction sites throughout Italy, has experienced exponential growth in the last three years in terms of both volumes and margins and employment, which has led it to achieve a turnover of over 125 million euros, with Ebitda at 13% and a financial position of over 20 million euros. The increase compared to 2020 was 20%, a result achieved at a time of extreme economic uncertainty for Italy.

“The path of Euro&Promos has every intention of continuing, both internally and externally,” confirms Alberto Tavano, CEO of Euro&Promos. “We want to make the company the leading national operator in facility management, attracting to our group established companies with strong know-how and experience and expanding the range of services offered to private customers and public administrations. The balance sheet figures confirm the company’s solidity and its economic and financial performance is constantly improving. We are ready, with a ceiling of 30 million euros, to invest in a market that is constantly evolving.

Euro&Promos’ services include not only civil, industrial and sanitary cleaning, but also logistics, porterage, industrial and mechanical maintenance, pest control, industrial laundry, as well as cultural management, porterage, security and office management. The group also looks with interest at other sectors relating to hard facility management and energy efficiency.

The sectors served are also transversal: from public and private health care to the metallurgical sector, from the paper industry to the mechanical sector, from the world of retail to large-scale distribution.

Euro&Promos has 6,000 employees, 75% of whom are women. The company is constantly looking for personnel to be employed both in the headquarters and in the operational offices and construction sites; there are currently 50 open positions. The jobs most in demand are cleaning and sanitation workers, forklift truck drivers, maintenance workers and librarians.

The company,” continues Tavano, “is undergoing a major transformation with a consolidated and highly professional management team that is taking the company to the top of the sector in Italy and that is not afraid of competition from international operators that are looking at the Italian market with interest. The year 2022 got off to a very good start with important awards, and we will continue our policy of investing in technology and staff training, as envisaged in the industrial plan, which as at 31.12.21 had an invested capital in excess of 70 million euros. Despite the pandemic crisis, we have kept our course unchanged by pursuing our objectives with a green approach in terms of sustainability policies that match our daily operations. Our company’s ability to interpret the market and to believe in its own choices has been its strength.

Euro&Promos, in collaboration with the Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Udine, has also launched a specific research project with the aim of defining sustainable environmental sanitation procedures, also through the use of electrical equipment such as electrostatic atomisers.