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Home - Press - News en - Euro & Promos at the ANIP conference – 7th stage of the National Roadshow

Euro & Promos at the ANIP conference – 7th stage of the National Roadshow

The theme “Industry & Facility Management. Innovation and Digital Transformation for the Integrated Services sector in Italy” has been caarried out on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at the headquarters of Confindustria at Palazzo Torriani (Udine).

The event was promoted by ANIP-Confindustria (National Association of Cleaning Services and Integrated Services), which chose Friuli Venezia Giulia and the city of Udine to hold the seventh stage of the national roadshow with the aim of making known both the associative activity, both the Services sector in all its richness and complexity.

Confindustria Udine is in fact home to one of the 22 Digital Innovation Hubs of the Confindustria platform created to support companies in the delicate transition phase towards “Industry 4.0”. Furthermore, Friuli Venezia Giulia hosts important companies in the services sector registered with ANIP, Euro & Promos among these, and innovative experiences that enrich its supply chain.

This was also recalled by the President of Confindustria Udine, Anna Mareschi Danieli, referring to really significant numbers relating to the world of services, which represents as much as 71% of regional GDP (industry 23%) and occupies 2 million and a half potential occupied throughout Italy, highly labor intensive.

The Regional Councilor for productive activities and tourism, Sergio Emidio Bini, underlined how the way of doing business is profoundly changing, increasingly turning also to new technologies and, at the same time, how fundamental is the training of workers who, specifically in the world of facilty and services, they represent 70% of the costs for companies operating in this sector.

A unanimous message from all the speakers, well presented by the institutions present, represented also by Deputy, Vice-President of the Commission XI Lavoro – Walter Rizzetto, was that of an important and extremely urgent need for the revision of the Procurement Code, which should facilitate the company work and not complicate it. A necessary simplification, which should therefore favor, in addition to the responsible development of the sector, also the control of the current trend which sees, at the time of commercial negotiations, the enhancement of the cost of the service with respect to the quality and professionalism of the service providers.

Also Euro & Promos, represents by the CEO, Alberto Tavano Colussi, took the opportunity to emphasize how appropriate it is to go to limit this mechanism also dictated by the question itself, which causes the predominance of the logic of maximum discount to the detriment of virtuous companies.

The circular, sustainable, green, technologically advanced economy, the enhancement of human resources and quality over cost are essential strategic assets for companies looking to the future. The path, now taken by our Group for some time, is considerable, but necessary, and represents for all a rich opportunity to be seized. “The CEO explained.

And he went on to clarify that “The proactive approach of companies in the sector must necessarily include new technologies, which will never replace man, but will favor it, improving the whole sector qualitatively.”

Since 2000, the Euro & Promos Group has obtained numerous certifications for the various areas in which it operates. Voluntary adherence to the EMAS scheme was the first step.

The shared choice of engaging with the environment and responsibility towards increasingly limited resources, which Euro & Promos is doing every day through the choice of energy saving and Ecolabel brand products, thus go hand in hand with the choice of the digitization path, which must be linked by a strong commitment and a concrete digital strategy, as Fabiano Benedetti – CEO Beantech, also recalled for Euro & Promos in this process.

The round table was an important opportunity to reaffirm how the Facility Management sector, given the numbers, is important for the development of Italy, offering “invisible” but fundamental services.

It was also an opportunity to share among the institutions and players in the sector the need to enhance the sector, hoping to contribute to achieving a healthy ecosystem, made up of responsible companies, towards the whole community and the core business itself, guided , perhaps, by a dedicated framework law.

ANIP is working in this direction, constantly promoting key concepts such as legality, sustainable development, green and smart, circular economy and innovation 4.0 in the reference sector.


The detailed program of the event

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