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Solidity and transparency: the growth of Euro&Promos 

Solidity, growth, transparency, tailor-made services and attention to detail. These are the ingredients that make Euro&Promos Facility Management S.p.A. unique on the national scene.

The multi-service company, headquartered in Udine but with operating units scattered throughout Italy, has provided a dynamic response to the pandemic emergency, making available its skills and the results obtained on the research and innovation front.

More than a year after the first lockdown, the sector has come out into the open, with cleaning and warehouse logistics professionals playing a decisive role in these months of emergency.

The men and women of Euro&Promos continue to be on the front line in hospitals, retirement homes, public administration offices and companies to guarantee cleanliness, hygiene and all those “no-core business” services that are fundamental in the everyday working life of the community.

Our decision to position ourselves as a qualified and reliable player, providing high quality services, values recognised by the market, has enabled us to face the pandemic crisis with professionalism and support our public and private customers in the recovery process,” explains our CEO, Alberto Tavano Colussi.


The company and the figures

108 million euro value of production, EBITDA at 11.2%, net profit of 8 million, +34% compared to 2019, for a total of more than 5700 people employed. A year of growth both in terms of employment and volumes for Euro&Promos FM S.p.A., with numbers that place us among the major Italian players in the sector.” These are the main budget indicators identified by the CEO.

The 2020 budget closes the best year since its establishment, both in terms of economic and financial results.

Shareholders’ equity reached 26 million euros, demonstrating the company’s great stability, which, together with the excellent cash flow generated during the year, allowed for an important reinvestment policy.” The CEO continues. “Euro&Promos has been able to react dynamically to the health crisis that has involved the country, which was followed by an inevitable economic crisis, translated into a 9% decrease in national GDP. Euro&Promos was able to navigate ‘against the wind’ and pursue its objectives“.

The financial statements, certified by PricewaterhouseCoopers, were approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting in April and confirm the growth trend also on the employment front: more than 650 new hires compared to the same date of the previous year, for a total of more than 5700 employees, 70% of whom are women, another significant indicator.


Services and organisation

Euro&Promos’ services include not only civil, industrial and sanitary cleaning, but also warehouse logistics, industrial and mechanical maintenance, pest control, laundry and industrial laundry, as well as cultural management, portering, unarmed surveillance and office management.

In addition to its long-standing relationship with the public administration sector, the company’s dynamism, organised into specific operational business lines, has enabled it to provide rapid and reliable responses to all private customers in the industrial sector, who have found themselves facing a completely new emergency situation. References range from heavy industry to the chemical-cosmetic sector, from shipbuilding to engineering, from the paper industry to the electronics sector, passing through food and beverage and retail.

The Udine-based multiservice company, whose main shareholder is Sergio Emidio Bini and is led by CEO Alberto Tavano Colussi, has made available its expertise and new solutions obtained on the research and innovation front.

Tavano Colussi explains: “We have faced the challenge of change dictated by the health crisis with a great spirit of responsibility and resilience, flexibility and organisation. We have enhanced the value of our employees and focused on new processes and technologies.

Our economic commitment to development and research has been constant over time. Using innovative technologies and processes to give more tools and professionalism to our employees allows us to offer a distinctive, high quality service to be a strategic reference for our customers“.

Euro&Promos has kept its investment plan unchanged in 2020, amounting to almost 2 million euros, and the same has been planned for 2021, in line with the approved five-year plan prior to the health crisis, for a total invested capital as at 31.12.2020 of 70 million euros.


Cleaning: a world in constant evolution

The cleaning and integrated services sector represents a market that in Italy employs more than half a million people and has a turnover of more than 20 billion euros.

The pandemic and the Covid19 emergency have overturned the behavioural habits of Italians, who have re-evaluated the function and social importance of cleaning and sanitising, understood as preventive measures. This critical situation has prompted the entire sector to study more effective solutions. Euro&Promos, through its “Innovation, Research and Development Department” has tested new procedures, making them an integral part of the emergency intervention mechanism.

Cleaning and sanitising activities, if carried out professionally, lead to a reduction in the possibility of contagion. The concept of these services has changed completely,” explains Tavano Colussi, “today it is the citizens and the employees of the companies who are asking for new and greater guarantees. Awareness of cleanliness has grown and, suddenly, we found ourselves having to provide efficient responses to all economic sectors, in terms of disinfection and hygiene. In this we have made a fundamental contribution to our partners, a contribution that originates in our experience and know-how“.


Certified service, transparency and legality

The company has always worked for the quality of the services it offers, and the various certifications on safety and quality issues confirm its reliability and commitment.

In 2020 Euro&Promos obtained the “Biosafety Trust Certification” for its innovative sanitisation system for infection prevention, which is in high demand in the health sector. In fact, in 2020 we were trusted by important Italian healthcare facilities, from the Spallanzani Institute and the Pertini in Rome, to Humanitas in Turin, where we consolidated our leadership position in the hospital field. We have also intervened along the production lines of important Italian companies, through sanitisation activities to allow production cycles to continue“.

“As a company, we have made a concrete commitment to future generations by investing economic, technical and professional resources,” says Tavano Colussi. Thus, the further recognition obtained last year, demonstrating the attention paid to environmental issues, is the “Ecolabel” certification, an ecological quality mark that distinguishes products and services that, guaranteeing high performance standards, are characterised by a reduced environmental impact.

Over the years, Euro&Promos has developed a systemic approach, codified in its procedures, also in terms of legality, with respect to managing the prevention of episodes of embezzlement and corruption.

The company was the first in the sector in Friuli Venezia Giulia, and among the first in Italy, to obtain ISO 37001, which certifies the Management System for the Prevention of Corruption.

Through this certification Euro&Promos is able to increase the trust of the market and its stakeholders, proving to be a reliable partner, ensuring safety and respect for legality with the concrete presence of internal control and prevention measures.

The company also has a score of three stars, the maximum, in the Rating of Legality of the Authority Guarantor of Competition and the Market.


Future projects

We have seized the opportunities, now we want to consolidate our position by launching synergistic projects that continue to anticipate market needs. Our characteristic is to always be one step ahead in order to give immediate answers to our partners thanks to our know-how“.

Euro&Promos’ objective is to consolidate its leadership position in the industrial and public administration sectors, both by winning tenders and by acquiring other businesses. Excellence inserted in a context like that of Euro&Promos may be able to create new synergies and added value, allowing for a consolidation of a market that is still very fragmented“. Tavano Colussi concludes.